Source code for onlinejudge_template.analyzer.minimum_tree

the module to find minimum format trees from sample strings

この module はサンプル文字列から直接 (つまり、フォーマット文字列を用いずに) フォーマット木を推測します。利用可能なサンプル文字列の個数がひとつしかない場合での利用が想定されています。


    1 2
    3 4 1 2
    2 4 1


    2 0 8


        loop(counter="i", size="N", sequence([
            loop(counter="j", size="K_i",
                item("A", indices=("i", "j"))

のようなフォーマット木 (:any:`FormatNode`) を作ります。

        loop(counter="i", size="N - 1", sequence([
            loop(counter="j", size="K_i - 1",
                item("A", indices=("i", "j"))
            item("B", indices="i"),
        loop(counter="i", size="L",
            item("C", indices="i")


内部のデータ構造は Haskell 風に書くと以下のような感じになります。
`LoopNode` が持つふたつの `Int` は、ループの回数を表現する変数の de Bruijn index およびその変数を修正するための -1, 0, 1 のいずれかの数です。

:: haskell
    data Token
        = IntToken Int
        | StrngToken
        | NewlineToken

    data Node m
        = LoopNode Int Int (m (Node m)) (m (Node m))
        | IntNode (m (Node m))
        | StringNode (m (Node m))
        | NewlineNode (m (Node m))
        | EOFNode

    match :: Node Maybe -> [Token] -> Maybe MatchState

    size :: Node Maybe -> Int
    size (LoopNode _ delta body next) = 1 + abs delta + size body + size next
    size (IntNode next) = 1 + size next
    size (StringNode next) = 1 + size next
    size (NewlineNode next) = 1 + size next
    size EOFNode = 1

import abc
import heapq
import itertools
import string
from logging import getLogger
from typing import *

import onlinejudge_template.analyzer.node_util as node_util
from onlinejudge_template.analyzer.match import FormatMatchError, match_format
from onlinejudge_template.types import *

logger = getLogger(__name__)

class _Token(abc.ABC):
    row: int
    column: int

    def __init__(self, *, row: int, column: int):
        self.row = row
        self.column = column

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(L{self.row}C{self.column})"

class _IntToken(_Token):
    value: int

    def __init__(self, *, value: int, row: int, column: int):
        super().__init__(row=row, column=column)
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(L{self.row}C{self.column}, value={self.value})"

class _StringToken(_Token):
    value: str

    def __init__(self, *, value: str, row: int, column: int):
        super().__init__(row=row, column=column)
        self.value = value

class _NewlineToken(_Token):

class _MatchState(NamedTuple):
    tokens: List[_Token]
    offset: int
    env: List[int]

class _MatchStop(Exception):
    def __init__(self, state: _MatchState):
        self.state = state

class _Node(abc.ABC):
    """_Node is a node similar to FormatNode but is easy to use for optimization.
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()"

class _PlaceholderNode(_Node):

class _EOFNode(_Node):

class _SimpleNonLeafNode(_Node):
    next: _Node

    def __init__(self, *, next: _Node): = next

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(next={})"

class _IntNode(_SimpleNonLeafNode):

class _StringNode(_SimpleNonLeafNode):

class _NewlineNode(_SimpleNonLeafNode):

class _LoopNode(_Node):
    index: int  # de Bruijn index
    delta: int
    body: _Node
    next: _Node

    def __init__(self, *, index: int, delta: int = 0, body: _Node, next: _Node):
        assert delta in (-1, 0, 1)
        self.index = index = delta
        self.body = body = next

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(index={self.index}, delta={}, body={self.body}, next={})"

[docs]def get_tree_size(node: _Node) -> int: if isinstance(node, _PlaceholderNode): return 1 elif isinstance(node, _EOFNode): return 1 elif isinstance(node, _SimpleNonLeafNode): return 1 + get_tree_size( elif isinstance(node, _LoopNode): return 1 + abs( + get_tree_size(node.body) + get_tree_size( else: assert False
[docs]def run_match(node: _Node, state: _MatchState) -> Optional[_MatchState]: """ :raises _MatchStop: """ if isinstance(node, _PlaceholderNode): raise _MatchStop(state) elif isinstance(node, _EOFNode): return state elif isinstance(node, _IntNode): assert 0 <= state.offset <= len(state.tokens) if state.offset >= len(state.tokens): return None token = state.tokens[state.offset] if not isinstance(token, _IntToken): return None state = _MatchState(tokens=state.tokens, offset=state.offset + 1, env=[token.value] + state.env) return run_match(, state) elif isinstance(node, _StringNode): assert 0 <= state.offset <= len(state.tokens) if state.offset >= len(state.tokens): return None # An int is a str. `101` is an int but `1010100101010101010100111111101010101` may be a str. `10.1` is also a str. if not isinstance(state.tokens[state.offset], _StringToken) and not isinstance(state.tokens[state.offset], _IntToken): return None state = _MatchState(tokens=state.tokens, offset=state.offset + 1, env=state.env) return run_match(, state) elif isinstance(node, _NewlineNode): assert 0 <= state.offset <= len(state.tokens) if state.offset >= len(state.tokens): return None if not isinstance(state.tokens[state.offset], _NewlineToken): return None state = _MatchState(tokens=state.tokens, offset=state.offset + 1, env=state.env) return run_match(, state) elif isinstance(node, _LoopNode): assert 0 <= node.index < len(state.env) count = state.env[node.index] + if count <= 0: # loops of zero times cause some problems because some placeholders may be skipped return None for _ in range(count): result = run_match(node.body, state) if result is None: return None state = _MatchState(tokens=state.tokens, offset=result.offset, env=state.env) # reset return run_match(, state) else: assert False
[docs]def count_placeholder(node: _Node) -> int: if isinstance(node, _PlaceholderNode): return 1 elif isinstance(node, _EOFNode): return 0 elif isinstance(node, _SimpleNonLeafNode): return count_placeholder( elif isinstance(node, _LoopNode): return count_placeholder(node.body) + count_placeholder( else: assert False
[docs]def get_replaced_first_placeholder(node: _Node, subst: _Node) -> Optional[_Node]: if isinstance(node, _PlaceholderNode): return subst elif isinstance(node, _EOFNode): return None elif isinstance(node, _SimpleNonLeafNode): next = get_replaced_first_placeholder(, subst) if next is None: return None else: return node.__class__(next=next) elif isinstance(node, _LoopNode): body = get_replaced_first_placeholder(node.body, subst) if body is not None: return _LoopNode(index=node.index,, body=body, else: next = get_replaced_first_placeholder(, subst) if next is not None: return _LoopNode(index=node.index,, body=node.body, next=next) else: return None else: assert False
class _PriorityQueue: def __init__(self) -> None: self._heap: List[Tuple[int, int, _Node]] = [] self._counter = itertools.count() def push(self, cost: int, node: _Node) -> None: # Put an index to costs to avoid comparison of nodes. heapq.heappush(self._heap, (cost, next(self._counter), node)) def pop(self) -> _Node: """pop() returns the item which has smallest cost value. :raises IndexError: """ _, _, node = heapq.heappop(self._heap) return node def empty(self) -> bool: return not self._heap
[docs]def tokenize_content(content: str) -> Iterator[_Token]: # The int tokens are tokens which can be used as loop sizes. Only small integers satisfy this condition. int_max = len(content.split()) + len(content.splitlines()) + 3 for y, line in enumerate(content.splitlines(keepends=True)): words = line.split() for x, word in enumerate(words): try: n = int(word) except ValueError: yield _StringToken(value=word, row=y, column=x) else: if 0 <= n <= int_max: yield _IntToken(value=n, row=y, column=x) else: yield _StringToken(value=word, row=y, column=x) if line.endswith('\n'): # including "\r\n" yield _NewlineToken(row=y, column=len(words))
[docs]def list_next_possible_node(states: List[_MatchState]) -> Iterator[_Node]: # validate a set of states assert states for state in states: assert 0 <= state.offset <= len(state.tokens) env_size = len(states[0].env) assert all([len(state.env) == env_size for state in states]) # EOF yield _EOFNode() if all([state.offset == len(state.tokens) for state in states]): return # when some instances reach EOF but some instances don't if any([state.offset == len(state.tokens) for state in states]): return # when all next tokens are int tokens if all([isinstance(state.tokens[state.offset], _IntToken) for state in states]): yield _IntNode(next=_PlaceholderNode()) for i in range(env_size): for delta in (-1, 0, 1): if all([0 <= state.env[i] + delta for state in states]): yield _LoopNode(index=i, delta=delta, body=_IntNode(next=_PlaceholderNode()), next=_PlaceholderNode()) return # when all next tokens are string tokens if all([isinstance(state.tokens[state.offset], _StringToken) or isinstance(state.tokens[state.offset], _IntToken) for state in states]): yield _StringNode(next=_PlaceholderNode()) for i in range(env_size): for delta in (-1, 0, 1): if all([0 <= state.env[i] + delta for state in states]): yield _LoopNode(index=i, delta=delta, body=_StringNode(next=_PlaceholderNode()), next=_PlaceholderNode()) return # when all next tokens are newline tokens if all([isinstance(state.tokens[state.offset], _NewlineToken) for state in states]): yield _NewlineNode(next=_PlaceholderNode()) # don't yield loop node here return return
def _construct_minimum_input_format_internal_tree(*, instances: List[List[_Token]], initial_env: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, iteration_limit: int = 10000, size_limit: int = 20, initial_node: _Node = _PlaceholderNode()) -> Optional[_Node]: # init que = _PriorityQueue() que.push(get_tree_size(initial_node), initial_node) while not que.empty(): # pop cur = que.pop() # calc states = [] for i, instance in enumerate(instances): if initial_env is not None: env = initial_env[i] else: env = [] try: state = run_match(cur, _MatchState(tokens=instance, offset=0, env=env)) if state is None: break if state.offset != len(state.tokens): break # matching finished before EOF except _MatchStop as e: state = e.state states.append(state) if len(states) != len(instances): continue if all([state.offset == len(state.tokens) for state in states]) and not count_placeholder(cur): return cur # push for delta in list_next_possible_node(states): nxt = get_replaced_first_placeholder(cur, delta) assert nxt is not None if get_tree_size(nxt) <= size_limit: que.push(get_tree_size(nxt), nxt) # timeout. This function doesn't have good time complexity, so may take too long time. iteration_limit -= 1 if iteration_limit < 0: break return None
[docs]class EnvItem(NamedTuple): name: VarName is_counter: bool
def _convert_to_format_node(node: _Node, *, env: List[EnvItem], used: Set[VarName], fixed_names: List[VarName]) -> FormatNode: def get_fresh_name() -> VarName: # allow using fixed name for multiple test cases if fixed_names: return fixed_names.pop() # update the list for var in map(VarName, string.ascii_letters): if var not in used: return var else: assert False # TODO: improve name assiging def list_indices(index: int) -> List[VarName]: indices = [] for item in reversed(env[index + 1:]): if item.is_counter: indices.append( return indices if isinstance(node, _EOFNode): return SequenceNode(items=[]) elif isinstance(node, _IntNode) or isinstance(node, _StringNode): var = get_fresh_name() delta: List[EnvItem] = [] if isinstance(node, _IntNode): delta = [EnvItem(var, False)] indices = list_indices(-1) used.add(var) return SequenceNode(items=[ ItemNode(name=var, indices=indices), _convert_to_format_node(, env=delta + env, used=used, fixed_names=fixed_names), ]) elif isinstance(node, _NewlineNode): return SequenceNode(items=[ NewlineNode(), _convert_to_format_node(, env=env, used=used, fixed_names=fixed_names), ]) elif isinstance(node, _LoopNode): size = Expr(env[node.index].name) if list_indices(node.index): size = Expr(str(size) + '_{' + ','.join(list_indices(node.index)) + '}') var = get_fresh_name() used.add(var) body = _convert_to_format_node(node.body, env=[EnvItem(var, True)] + env, used=used, fixed_names=fixed_names) used.remove(var) return SequenceNode(items=[ LoopNode(size=size, name=var, body=body), _convert_to_format_node(, env=env, used=used, fixed_names=fixed_names), ]) elif isinstance(node, _PlaceholderNode): assert False else: assert False
[docs]def construct_minimum_input_format_tree(*, instances: List[str], multiple_test_cases: bool = False) -> Optional[FormatNode]: tokenized_instances = [list(tokenize_content(instance)) for instance in instances] if multiple_test_cases: initial_node: _Node = _IntNode(next=_NewlineNode(next=_LoopNode(index=0, delta=0, body=_PlaceholderNode(), next=_EOFNode()))) else: initial_node = _PlaceholderNode() node = _construct_minimum_input_format_internal_tree(instances=tokenized_instances, initial_node=initial_node) if node is None: return None format_node = _convert_to_format_node(node, env=[], used=set(), fixed_names=(multiple_test_cases and [node_util.testcases_varname] or [])) format_node = node_util.rename_variable_nicely(format_node) return node_util.remove_superfluous_sequence_nodes(format_node)
[docs]def construct_minimum_output_format_tree(*, instances: List[str]) -> Optional[FormatNode]: return construct_minimum_input_format_tree(instances=instances)
[docs]def construct_minimum_output_format_tree_using_input_format(*, instances: List[SampleCase], input_format: FormatNode, input_variables: Dict[VarName, VarDecl], multiple_test_cases: bool) -> Optional[FormatNode]: # prepare environments minimizer_env: List[List[int]] = [] converter_env: List[EnvItem] = [] converter_used: Set[VarName] = set() try: for i, data in enumerate(instances): minimizer_env.append([]) input_values = match_format(input_format, data.input.decode(), variables=input_variables) for name in sorted(input_variables.keys()): decl = input_variables[name] if (decl.type == VarType.IndexInt or decl.type == VarType.ValueInt) and not decl.dims: value = input_values[name][()] assert isinstance(value, int) minimizer_env[i].append(value) if i == 0: converter_env.append(EnvItem(name, False)) if i == 0: converter_used.add(name) except FormatMatchError as e: logger.debug('failed to match sample input: %s', e) output_samples = [case.output.decode() for case in instances] return construct_minimum_output_format_tree(instances=output_samples) for i in range(len(minimizer_env)): assert len(minimizer_env[i]) == len(converter_env) # construct the tree tokenized_instances = [list(tokenize_content(instance.output.decode())) for instance in instances] initial_node: _Node = _PlaceholderNode() if multiple_test_cases: for i, item in enumerate(converter_env): if == node_util.testcases_varname: initial_node = _LoopNode(index=i, delta=0, body=_PlaceholderNode(), next=_EOFNode()) break node = _construct_minimum_input_format_internal_tree(instances=tokenized_instances, initial_env=minimizer_env, initial_node=initial_node) if node is None: return None # make format node format_node = _convert_to_format_node(node, env=converter_env, used=converter_used, fixed_names=[]) format_node = node_util.rename_variable_nicely(format_node, used=converter_used) return node_util.remove_superfluous_sequence_nodes(format_node)