Source code for onlinejudge_template.analyzer.simplify

the module to manipulate mathematical expressions (e.g. ``2 * n + 1``, ``a_i + i``)

この module は数式を簡約します。
たとえば ``(n + 1) + (n - 1)`` という式が与えられれば ``2 * n`` という式に簡約して返します。

    変数 x, y, z および整数と四則演算と括弧からなる数式が与えられます。
    この数式と等しい数式であって $\sum k_i x^{a_i} y^{b_i} z^{c_i}$ という形のものを求めてください。

# TODO: move and split this module?

import abc
import fractions
import re
from logging import getLogger
from typing import *

import ply.lex as lex
import ply.yacc as yacc

from onlinejudge_template.types import *

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ExprParserError(AnalyzerError): pass
class _Expr(abc.ABC): pass class _Variable(_Expr): """_Variable represents a symbol whose value is not fixed. """ def __init__(self, name: str, *args: _Expr): = name self.args = args def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and == and self.args == other.args class _Function(_Expr): """_Function represents an n-ary symbol (n >= 1) whose value is fixed. """ ADD = '__add__' SUB = '__sub__' MUL = '__mul__' DIV = '__div__' NEG = '__neg__' def __init__(self, value: str, *args: _Expr): self.value = value self.args = args def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.value == other.value and self.args == other.args class _Constant(_Expr): """_Constant represents a 0-ary symbol whose value is fixed. """ def __init__(self, value: int): self.value = value def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.value == other.value _tokens = ( 'IDENT', 'NUMBER', 'UNDERSCORE', 'LBRACE', 'RBRACE', 'COMMA', 'LPAREN', 'RPAREN', 'ADD', 'SUB', 'MUL', 'DIV', ) def _build_lexer() -> lex.Lexer: tokens = _tokens t_ignore = ' ' def t_error(t: lex.LexToken) -> None: raise ExprParserError("lexer: unexpected character: '{}' at line {} column {}".format(t.value[0], t.lineno, t.lexpos)) t_IDENT = r'[A-Za-z]+' t_NUMBER = r'[0-9]+' t_UNDERSCORE = r'_' t_LBRACE = r'{' t_RBRACE = r'}' t_COMMA = r',' t_LPAREN = r'\(' t_RPAREN = r'\)' t_ADD = r'\+' t_SUB = r'-' t_MUL = r'\*' t_DIV = r'/' return lex.lex() def _build_parser(*, input: str) -> yacc.LRParser: tokens = _tokens def find_column(lexpos: int) -> int: line_start = input.rfind('\n', 0, lexpos) + 1 return lexpos - line_start + 1 def loc(p: yacc.YaccProduction) -> Dict[str, int]: return { 'line': p.lineno(1), 'column': find_column(p.lexpos(1)), } def p_expr(p: yacc.YaccProduction) -> None: """expr : expr ADD term | expr SUB term | term""" if len(p) == 4: op = {'+': _Function.ADD, '-': _Function.SUB}[p[2]] p[0] = _Function(op, p[1], p[3]) elif len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] def p_exprs(p: yacc.YaccProduction) -> None: """exprs : expr COMMA exprs | expr""" if len(p) == 4: p[0] = (p[1], *p[3]) elif len(p) == 2: p[0] = (p[1], ) def p_term(p: yacc.YaccProduction) -> None: """term : term MUL factor | term DIV factor | SUB term | factor""" if len(p) == 4: op = {'*': _Function.MUL, '/': _Function.DIV}[p[2]] p[0] = _Function(op, p[1], p[3]) elif len(p) == 3: p[0] = _Function(_Function.NEG, p[2]) elif len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] def p_factor(p: yacc.YaccProduction) -> None: """factor : number variable | number | variable | LPAREN expr RPAREN | number LPAREN expr RPAREN""" if len(p) == 3: p[0] = _Function(_Function.MUL, p[1], p[2]) elif len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] elif len(p) == 4: p[0] = p[2] elif len(p) == 5: p[0] = _Function(_Function.MUL, p[1], p[3]) def p_number(p: yacc.YaccProduction) -> None: """number : NUMBER""" p[0] = _Constant(int(p[1])) def p_variable(p: yacc.YaccProduction) -> None: """variable : IDENT UNDERSCORE IDENT | IDENT UNDERSCORE number | IDENT UNDERSCORE LBRACE exprs RBRACE | IDENT""" if len(p) == 4 and isinstance(p[3], str): p[0] = _Variable(p[1], _Variable(p[3])) elif len(p) == 4 and isinstance(p[3], _Expr): p[0] = _Variable(p[1], p[3]) elif len(p) == 6: p[0] = _Variable(p[1], *p[4]) elif len(p) == 2: p[0] = _Variable(p[1]) def p_error(t: Optional[lex.LexToken]) -> None: if t is None: raise ExprParserError("parser: something wrong") else: raise ExprParserError("parser: unexpected token: {} \"{}\" at line {} column {}".format(t.type, t.value, t.lineno, find_column(t.lexpos))) return yacc.yacc(debug=False, write_tables=False) def _parse(s: str) -> _Expr: """ :raises ExprParserError: """ try: lexer = _build_lexer() lexer.input(s) parser = _build_parser(input=s) return parser.parse(lexer=lexer) except ExprParserError as e: logger.debug('failed to parse {}: {}'.format(repr(s), e)) raise def _format(e: _Expr) -> str: def with_paren(s: str, *, cur_prec: int, prev_prec: int, paren: str) -> str: if cur_prec >= prev_prec: return s if paren == '()': return '(' + s + ')' elif paren == '{}': return '{' + s + '}' else: assert False def go(e: _Expr, *, prec: int, paren: str = '()') -> str: if isinstance(e, _Variable): if len(e.args) == 0: return elif len(e.args) == 1: return + '_' + go(e.args[0], prec=2, paren='{}') else: return + '_{' + ', '.join(map(lambda arg: go(arg, prec=0), e.args)) + '}' elif isinstance(e, _Function): if e.value == _Function.ADD and len(e.args) == 2: return with_paren(go(e.args[0], prec=1) + ' + ' + go(e.args[1], prec=1), cur_prec=1, prev_prec=prec, paren=paren) elif e.value == _Function.SUB and len(e.args) == 2: return with_paren(go(e.args[0], prec=1) + ' - ' + go(e.args[1], prec=1), cur_prec=1, prev_prec=prec, paren=paren) elif e.value == _Function.MUL and len(e.args) == 2: return with_paren(go(e.args[0], prec=2) + ' * ' + go(e.args[1], prec=2), cur_prec=2, prev_prec=prec, paren=paren) elif e.value == _Function.DIV and len(e.args) == 2: return with_paren(go(e.args[0], prec=2) + ' / ' + go(e.args[1], prec=2), cur_prec=2, prev_prec=prec, paren=paren) elif e.value == _Function.NEG and len(e.args) == 1: return with_paren('- ' + go(e.args[0], prec=2), cur_prec=2, prev_prec=prec, paren=paren) else: assert False elif isinstance(e, _Constant): return str(e.value) else: assert False return go(e, prec=0) def _get_subscripted_value(value: Union[int, List[int], List[List[int]], List[List[List[int]]]], args: List[int], *, name_for_error_message: str) -> int: """ :raises ExprParserError: """ result: Any = value for depth, index in enumerate(args): if not isinstance(result, list): raise ExprParserError('{} is expected to have type int^{} -> int, but actually has type int^{} -> {}'.format(name_for_error_message, len(args), depth + 1, type(result).__name__)) result = result[index] if not isinstance(result, int): raise ExprParserError('{} is expected to have type int^{} -> int, but actually has type int^{} -> {}'.format(name_for_error_message, len(args), len(args), type(result).__name__)) return result
[docs]def evaluate(s: Expr, *, env: Mapping[VarName, Union[int, List[int], List[List[int]], List[List[List[int]]]]] = {}) -> Optional[int]: """evaluate converts the given expr to an integer. """ def go(e: _Expr) -> fractions.Fraction: if isinstance(e, _Variable): if not in env: raise ExprParserError('{} is not defined'.format( args: List[fractions.Fraction] = list(map(go, e.args)) indices: List[int] = [] for arg in args: if arg.denominator != 1: raise ExprParserError('indices must be an integer, not fraction: {}[{}]'.format(, ', '.join(map(str, args)))) indices.append(arg.numerator) return fractions.Fraction(_get_subscripted_value(env[VarName(], indices, elif isinstance(e, _Function): args = list(map(go, e.args)) if e.value == _Function.ADD and len(e.args) == 2: return args[0] + args[1] elif e.value == _Function.SUB and len(e.args) == 2: return args[0] - args[1] elif e.value == _Function.MUL and len(e.args) == 2: return args[0] * args[1] elif e.value == _Function.DIV and len(e.args) == 2: return args[0] / args[1] elif e.value == _Function.NEG and len(e.args) == 1: return -args[0] else: assert False elif isinstance(e, _Constant): return fractions.Fraction(e.value) else: assert False try: expr = _parse(s) except ExprParserError as e: logger.debug('failed to parse {}: {}'.format(repr(s), e)) return None try: evaluated = go(expr) except ExprParserError as e: logger.debug('failed to evaluate {} in {}: {}'.format(repr(s), env, e)) return None if evaluated.denominator != 1: logger.debug('failed to evaluate {} in {}: {} is not an integer'.format(repr(s), env, evaluated)) return None return evaluated.numerator
def _convert_to_dnf(e: _Expr) -> List[Tuple[List[_Expr], List[_Expr]]]: """_convert_to_dnf converts exprs to a format like disjunction normal form (DNF). This also simplifies the subscripted exprs. """ # TODO: Rename variables. We can see $a_i + 2 a_{i + 1} + 3 a_{i + 2}$ as $x + 2 y + 3 z$ or just $v_0 + 2 v_1 + 3 v_2$. Replacing the variables with their indices will make the implementation simpler. if isinstance(e, _Variable): args = list(map(_simplify_expr, e.args)) return [([_Variable(, *args)], [])] elif isinstance(e, _Function): if e.value == _Function.ADD and len(e.args) == 2: lhs = _convert_to_dnf(e.args[0]) rhs = _convert_to_dnf(e.args[1]) return lhs + rhs elif e.value == _Function.SUB and len(e.args) == 2: lhs = _convert_to_dnf(e.args[0]) rhs = _convert_to_dnf(e.args[1]) return lhs + [([_Constant(-1), *num], den) for num, den in rhs] elif e.value == _Function.MUL and len(e.args) == 2: lhs = _convert_to_dnf(e.args[0]) rhs = _convert_to_dnf(e.args[1]) return sum([[(num1 + num2, den1 + den2) for num2, den2 in rhs] for num1, den1 in lhs], []) elif e.value == _Function.DIV and len(e.args) == 2: lhs = _convert_to_dnf(e.args[0]) rhs = _convert_to_dnf(e.args[1]) return sum([[(num1 + den2, den1 + num2) for num2, den2 in rhs] for num1, den1 in lhs], []) elif e.value == _Function.NEG and len(e.args) == 1: rhs = _convert_to_dnf(e.args[0]) return [([_Constant(-1), *num], den) for num, den in rhs] else: assert False elif isinstance(e, _Constant): return [([e], [])] else: assert False def _simplify_dnf(dnf: List[Tuple[List[_Expr], List[_Expr]]]) -> Dict[Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[str, ...]], fractions.Fraction]: """ :raises ExprParserError: """ freq: Dict[Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[str, ...]], fractions.Fraction] = {} for old_num, old_den in dnf: # collect constants coeff = fractions.Fraction(1) num = [] den = [] for e in old_num: if isinstance(e, _Variable): num.append(_format(e)) elif isinstance(e, _Constant): coeff *= e.value else: assert False for e in old_den: if isinstance(e, _Variable): str_e = _format(e) if str_e in num: num.remove(str_e) else: den.append(str_e) elif isinstance(e, _Constant): if e.value == 0: raise ExprParserError('division by zero') coeff /= e.value else: assert False # count up str_num = tuple(sorted(num)) str_den = tuple(sorted(den)) if (str_num, str_den) not in freq: freq[(str_num, str_den)] = fractions.Fraction(0) freq[(str_num, str_den)] += coeff return freq def _convert_from_dnf(freq: Dict[Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[str, ...]], fractions.Fraction]) -> _Expr: """ :raises ExprParserError: """ exprs: List[str] = [] factors = sorted(freq.items()) if factors and not factors[0][0][0] and not factors[0][0][1]: # move the constant factor to the back factors = factors[1:] + factors[:1] for (num, den), coeff in factors: if coeff == 0: continue if coeff.denominator != 1: raise ExprParserError('coefficient is not an integer: {} \\prod {} / \\prod {}'.format(coeff, num, den)) neg = False if coeff < 0: neg = True coeff = -coeff # construct a string for a factor s = '' if coeff == 1: pass else: s += str(coeff.numerator) if s and num: s += ' * ' s += ' * '.join(['(' + e + ')' for e in num]) if not s: s += '1' if den: s += ' / ' s += ' / '.join(['(' + e + ')' for e in den]) if neg: s = '- ' + s if exprs and not s.startswith('-'): s = '+ ' + s exprs.append(s) s = ' '.join(exprs) if not s: s += '0' return _parse(s) def _simplify_expr(e: _Expr) -> _Expr: """ :raises ExprParserError: """ return _convert_from_dnf(_simplify_dnf(_convert_to_dnf(e)))
[docs]def simplify(s: Expr) -> Expr: """simplify converts the given expr to a simple expr. """ try: expr = _parse(s) except ExprParserError as e: logger.debug('failed to parse %s: %s', repr(s), e) return s try: simplified = _simplify_expr(expr) except ExprParserError as e: logger.debug('failed to simplify %s: %s', repr(s), e) return s return Expr(_format(simplified))
[docs]def format_subscripted_variable(*, name: str, indices: List[str]) -> str: """format_subscripted_variable constructs a single expr from a variable name and indices :raises ExprParserError: if not a variable """ expr = _parse(name) if not isinstance(expr, _Variable) or expr.args: raise ExprParserError('not a variable name: {}'.format(name)) return _format(_Variable(, *map(_parse, indices)))
[docs]def parse_subscripted_variable(s: str) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: """parse_subscripted_variable is an inverse of format_subscripted_variable. :raises ExprParserError: if not a variable """ expr = _parse(s) if not isinstance(expr, _Variable): raise ExprParserError('not a subscripted variable: {}'.format(s)) return, list(map(_format, expr.args))
[docs]def rename_variables_in_expr(expr: Expr, *, replace: Dict[VarName, VarName]) -> Expr: """ :raises ExprParserError: """ pattern = r'[A-Za-z]+|[^A-Za-z]+' s = [] for c in re.findall(pattern, str(expr)): if c.isalpha() and VarName(c) in replace: s.append(str(replace[VarName(c)])) else: s.append(c) return Expr(_format(_parse(''.join(s))))