Source code for onlinejudge_template.types

import abc
import enum
from typing import *

VarName = NewType('VarName', str)  # A name of variable. Its type is int, sequence of int, etc.. For example, "a", "b", "f", and "ans" are VarName. However, "a_i" is not a VarName.
Expr = NewType('Expr', str)  # An expr. The type is always int. For example, "n + 1", "a_i", "x", and "2 * x" are Expr.

[docs]class FormatNode(abc.ABC): def __repr__(self) -> str: keys = dir(self) keys = list(filter(lambda key: not key.startswith('_'), keys)) keys.sort() items = ', '.join([key + '=' + repr(getattr(self, key)) for key in keys]) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({items})"
[docs]class ItemNode(FormatNode): name: VarName indices: List[Expr] def __init__(self, *, name: str, indices: Sequence[str] = []): = VarName(name) self.indices = list(map(Expr, indices))
[docs]class NewlineNode(FormatNode): pass
[docs]class SequenceNode(FormatNode): items: List[FormatNode] def __init__(self, *, items: Sequence[FormatNode]): self.items = list(items)
[docs]class LoopNode(FormatNode): size: Expr name: VarName # TODO: rename `name` with `counter` body: FormatNode def __init__(self, *, size: str, name: str, body: FormatNode): self.size = Expr(size) = VarName(name) self.body = body
[docs]class SampleCase(NamedTuple): input: bytes output: bytes
[docs]class AnalyzerResources(NamedTuple): url: Optional[str] html: Optional[bytes] input_format_string: Optional[str] output_format_string: Optional[str] sample_cases: Optional[List[SampleCase]]
[docs]class VarType(enum.Enum): IndexInt = 'IndexInt' ValueInt = 'ValueInt' Float = 'Float' String = 'String' Char = 'Char'
# NegativeOne = 'NegativeOne'
[docs]class VarDecl(NamedTuple): name: VarName type: Optional[VarType] dims: List[Expr] bases: List[Expr] depending: Set[VarName]
[docs]class ConstantDecl(NamedTuple): name: VarName value: str # For example, "1000000007", "Yes", "No". Not Expr type. type: VarType
[docs]class OutputType(abc.ABC): pass
[docs]class YesNoOutputType(OutputType): name: Expr yes: str no: str def __init__(self, *, name: Expr, yes: str, no: str): = name self.yes = yes = no
[docs]class OneOutputType(OutputType): name: Expr type: Optional[VarType] def __init__(self, *, name: Expr, type: Optional[VarType]): = name self.type = type
[docs]class TwoOutputType(OutputType): name1: Expr type1: Optional[VarType] name2: Expr type2: Optional[VarType] print_newline_after_item: bool def __init__(self, *, name1: Expr, type1: Optional[VarType], name2: Expr, type2: Optional[VarType], print_newline_after_item: bool): self.name1 = name1 self.type1 = type1 self.name2 = name2 self.type2 = type2 self.print_newline_after_item = print_newline_after_item
[docs]class VectorOutputType(OutputType): name: VarName # This has VarName type instead of Expr type becuase it will be subscripted. type: Optional[VarType] subscripted_name: str # TODO: remove this variable. This has a string like "a[i]", but carrying source code is not responsibility of this class. counter_name: VarName print_size: bool print_newline_after_size: bool print_newline_after_item: bool def __init__(self, *, name: VarName, type: Optional[VarType], subscripted_name: str, counter_name: VarName, print_size: bool, print_newline_after_size: bool, print_newline_after_item: bool): = name self.type = type self.subscripted_name = subscripted_name self.counter_name = counter_name self.print_size = print_size self.print_newline_after_size = print_newline_after_size self.print_newline_after_item = print_newline_after_item
[docs]class TopcoderType(enum.Enum): Int = 'int' Long = 'long' Double = 'double' String = 'String' IntList = 'int[]' LongList = 'long[]' DoubleList = 'double[]' StringList = 'String[]'
[docs]class TopcoderClassDefinition(NamedTuple): class_name: str method_name: str formal_arguments: List[Tuple[TopcoderType, VarName]] return_type: TopcoderType
[docs]class AnalyzerResult(NamedTuple): resources: AnalyzerResources input_format: Optional[FormatNode] input_variables: Optional[Dict[VarName, VarDecl]] output_format: Optional[FormatNode] output_variables: Optional[Dict[VarName, VarDecl]] constants: Dict[VarName, ConstantDecl] output_type: Optional[OutputType] topcoder_class_definition: Optional[TopcoderClassDefinition]
[docs]class TemplateAnalyzerGeneratorError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class AnalyzerError(TemplateAnalyzerGeneratorError): pass
[docs]class GeneratorError(TemplateAnalyzerGeneratorError): pass